
Wire spool for construction: 330 grams of innovation

Bottaro white annealed iron wire.

LThe BWC™ (Bottaro Wire Construction) white annealed wire spool best meets the needs of different categories of users, such as construction companies, industry, private, large-scale distribution, craftsmen and hardware stores.

Small, versatile and lightweight, the Bottaro spool weighs only 330 g (25 kg for a box of 75 pieces, 1,000 kg for an entire pallet), can be held in one hand and the wire is malleable but resistant, thus facilitating the work of the operators.

The spool comes from an impeccable production process, in which, in every second and for every centimeter of wire produced, is controlled by robotic instruments capable of stopping the process when they find any flaw.

For more information, watch the video or read the dedicated blog article.