
The advertising campaign on Mediaset and SKY

The results exceed expectations.

During the Christmas period and in the first weeks of January 2024, Bottaro relaunched “Dream Wire”, the commercial to wish happy holidays and a happy new year on the Mediaset and SKY networks, especially during SkyTG24 and Masterchef.

The message of positivity and commitment to building a more sustainable future for us and the Planet told in this video, was then carried forward in a different but coherent way by the “The invisible wire 2” commercial starting from 8 January 2024.

“The invisible wire 2” builds its own story on Italian innovation, which – according to Bottaro – consists in the ability to transform a simple product into an essential and cutting-edge technology, capable of improving the world we live in, following the principles of economics circular and sustainability.

The value-based and emotional communication of both adverts won over the public, recording a +11.6% GRPS, i.e. an impact on a growing percentage of the target audience which exceeded the expected estimates by a few percentage points.

An encouraging result that demonstrates how even an industrial field so far from the world of advertising can successfully communicate to everyone when it believes in it and lives the values of a true company put at the service of society.